Dealing with Jealous Affair Partners

Here is a first and very common reason why affairs tend to turn into the opposite of the fun and liberating experience they were supposed to be. A significant percentage of the affair partners have emotional and ego issues, which lead to jealousy feelings. You might believe that if you have talked it out beforehand and they are convinced about not getting involved emotionally, everything is going to run smoothly. When it turns into a bumpy ride, you are confused and wonder what happened.

Dealing with jealous affair partners
Read these cheating tips and learn how to deal with jealous affair partners

Affair partners, although they believe themselves the no-strings-attached part, they become different people as they get close to someone. A too strong ego makes them see their partner as a trophy to keep or as one who owes them something. It’s how the humans work quite often. They don’t have to fall in love to experience this and the feeling of loss if the affair would be over. They become controlling and jealous of their partner’s spouse.

It is hard to predict how a person is going to act, when they might not know it themselves. How to deal then with jealous affair partners? A first tip is to keep your gestures from becoming too romantic or sweet. When the affair partner feels like getting the romance of their life, they will crave for more of it. Don’t get them started and don’t do too much for them, because it’s addictive. Also, pouring one’s soul out has the same effect.

When jealousy occurs, try to talk it out and get them thinking that the roles were inverted somehow. It happens that affair partners feel possessive and jealous like a spouse! Remind them that the two types of feelings must stay separate.

Clearly state what you mean from the beginning. Most people get enthusiastic when they find a partner who seems good for them. However, a head in the clouds doesn’t make the best decisions. Good communication is essential, so make sure you talk enough and that you clearly say what you are willing to put in this connection.

When jealousy ruins things, don’t talk it our harshly. Back off slowly, try to stay friends. Otherwise you risk to be the victim of a terrible revenge.

This is why it is best to get to know your partner a bit before getting involved. For this, we have recommended you the best affair websites in Canada, where you can look for the right people, weigh their information well, and communicate. See what they are about and how they think. If they complain about emotional issues, lack of romance within the official couple and so on, they are very likely to fall for you and be a nag.